Sunday, August 12, 2007
My How Time Flies!
Well, I'm off to the grocery store before it gets to the 95 degree mark today. And then it's back home so I can wash down the house and dream about owing one of these:
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Time for some catching up!
Desert Poncho - The Desert Poncho is about finished. I ran out of the Mocha Lion Suede as I was binding off the final row. I went to several local stores where I had seen the yarn over the past several months, and none could be found, so I found some online. I'm ready to finish the bind-off and then do the fringe, and it will be done. I wanted to make this poncho a "little big" because I want to wear it on cool evenings in the fall and spring when we're camping or sitting outside. Ummm...can I just say that it's "definitely big". I will have no trouble with it being long enough to really keep me warm! It's almost a dress! Another lesson in checking gauge for me!
The Fiber Trends Lace Leaf Shawl is finished, and I've given it to my friend Jill as a wedding gift. It was my first true attempt at a lace project (and blocking), and I'm very happy with the outcome.
Garter Ridge Cardi
I've also made good progress on my first cardigan that I've mentioned in previous postings. It's made out of the same yarn as the Lace Leaf Shawl...just in different colors. I've completed the back and both sides and have them sewn together. I'm going to have to take one side off and resew it, though....the pattern doesn't match up exactly on that side, and it's very distracting when you're looking at it. I'm about half done with the first sleeve. After the sleeves are done and sewn on, it will be time to sew on the border around the neck and the front, and do the buttonholes and buttons (another first for me). Here are pictures of the progress so far on the cardi and a picture of the detail of the pattern:
A new hobby that hit me out of the "blue"
My hubby and I recently attended a civil war re-enactment. Mind you, I've always felt like I was born in the wrong century, but I now have an outlet for that! We're going to be participants in the re-enactments! We joined a local group of local Northern recruits, and I can't wait to get started! The hubby's clothes can all be purchased for a reasonable price, but buying mine pre-made would be very, VERY'm learning to sew. So far I've made my pantalettes (bloomers), a chemise ("shimmy") and a petticoat to go over my hoops, so they won't show through my dress. I did go ahead and purchase a set of hoops and a corset, because I'm not sure that my sewing skills are up to boning or stays yet. I also have purchased the pattern for my bodice and skirt, so I'll be starting on them before long. My momma was wonderful help in getting the petticoat pinned up to the proper length for hemming so that it doesn't show underneath my skirts (Thanks Mom!).
Well, that's about all of the updates I have for today. Back to laundry, picking some wild blackberries & raspberries for freezing (or a pie), and working on finishing up the current knitting projects. I think Sunday (tomorrow) may even be a day for spinning!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Lace Leaf Shawl
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Running a bit behind
I'll try to post some knitting pictures on Sunday.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Finally knitting!
Well, school is all over but the walking...graduation is in a couple of days! YEA!!!! I've been working on my Garter Ridge Cardi..I'm waiting on my camera batteries to charge so that I can take a picture of it and post it. I've been working on the house, trying to actually clean. I've been spot cleaning and depending on my daughters for help for so long during school, that I am really enjoying thoroughly cleaning my house! So I've not been knitting as much as I'd like, but definitely more than I was able to a few weeks ago. It's nice to be able to sit down, pop in an audiobook, and knit in peace (i.e. without having to feel guilty that I'm not getting homework done!). I'm already planning my next project after the cardi is will be a lace shawl (my first attempt). Hopefully I can pop in Hobby Lobby and pick up another skein of Lion Suede tomorrow so that I can finish my Desert Poncho this weekend, too. Then I can get pictures of it posted. Maybe my Mom will model it for me while she's here for a visit!
I actually filled my birdfeeder with seed, and filled my hummingbird feeders the other day...poor birds probably thought I'd dropped off the face of the planet over the past couple of years! I'd be sitting out on the deck enjoying watching them right now, if I weren't working on dinner as I type this. I can't wait to plant flowers and go camping and go fishing and....oh....sorry...I got a bit excited there for a minute thinking about all of the things I've missed so much! Especially spending time with my family; that has been my first priority for the last week that I haven't had any homework. It's so wonderful being able to spend time with them. I'm even caught up on my daily devotionals for the first time in a long time... :)
Well, I'm sure that my loving hubby will be in any minute with some delicious grilled pork chops. I need to get the eggs peeled and get the rest of the dinner together.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Working on a new project
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
A non-knitting post...sigh
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The cabled socks
Moebius Scarf
The finished hat
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Will try to post this weekend
Friday, February 23, 2007
I'm so excited!!!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Mock Cable Sock Progress
Oh, by the is my 5 month old Boston Terrier, Piper Ann. She is the second Boston Terrier rescue we've had. She's smart as a whip, spoiled rotten, and a case in point of why Boston Terriers are often nicknamed Boston Terrorists! She's a handful (but in a good way). Our other Boston Terrior, Wilma, is 10 years old and getting pretty arthritic. We also have a 2 1/2 year old Miniature Pinscher named CJ.
Heck...might as well put in a picture of them, too. There's never a dull moment around here with two of them chasing each other constantly. Wilma sometimes joins in, depending on how she's feeling. There is definitely some sibling rivalry going can't have one of them on your lap unless you want all three...makes knitting difficult at times, unless there is someone else sitting there to help give some attention out.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A late birthday gift...
I haven't touched my Desert Poncho for a couple of weeks - and probably won't for another couple of weeks, at least. It may be Spring Break before I can work on it again. As long as I have it finished in time for the County Fair, that's my goal. DH is going ice fishing, DD #1 is going to work at 5 pm, and DD #2 is watching Piper Ann (our 5 month old Boston Terrier puppy - another rescue). I'm off to try to get the homework finished so I can try to knit on the socks while I'm studying for an exam (re-reading notes is much more pleasant when one has a knitting project in hand!).
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Happy Valentines Day/Birthday To Me!
My friend Susie gave me a Gooseberry Patch cookbook, some fried apples, and some honey from Cracker Barrell (YUM!). Thanks Susie! She (also as my boss), said I should plan to take tomorrow off, too! YEAH! I didn't feel like I could, because of all of the work to be done...but I have to follow the boss' directives, right?!
Well, I need to get busy...tons to do so I can get to knitting!